Words can't fully describe how much I love John Frusciante. He's one of my favorite artists, and, with his new album The Empyrean on the way, I thought it'd be a good time to post his discography. If you don't have any of his albums, pick some up.
1994 - Niandra Lades and Usually Just a T-Shirt
1997 - Smile from the Streets You Hold
1997 - Estrus (EP)
1997 - Live at The Viper Room
2001 - To Record Only Water for Ten Days
2001 - Live at Johnny Foley
2001 - From the Sounds Inside
2004 - Shadows Collide with People
2004 - The Will to Death
2004 - DC (Ep)
2004 - Inside of Emptiness
2004 - A Sphere in the Heart of Silence
2005 - Curtains
2004 - Automatic Writing
2007 - AW II
Also, check out his blog at http://johnfrusciante.com/